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Dr. Anne Skutnik Gives CURENT Power and Energy Seminar on Fri., Feb. 5

Dr. Anne Skutnik, Education and Outreach Coordinator for CURENT, will present the CURENT Power and Energy Seminar Series (ECE 496 and 691) on Friday, February 5 from 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm. The seminar will be available via ZOOM. The ZOOM link will be sent to CURENT students and faculty through email. Contact Wendy if you need a link.

Presenter: Dr. Anne Skutnik, Education and Outreach Coordinator, CURENT, University of Tennessee 

Title: "Health and Wellness Check-In" 

Summary: In this talk, Dr. Skutnik will help you "check-in" about your stress levels, learn a bit about how to manage stress, and talk about good sleep practices. These skills are especially relevant during this unprecedented time and we at CURENT are committed to trying to make sure our students have resources available to them to help them survive and thrive. 

Bio: Anne Skutnik is the Education and Outreach Coordinator at CURENT.  She is also the Engagement and Outreach Coordinator within Tickle College of Engineer's Office of Academic and Student Affairs and serves as the chair of the Tickle College Outreach Subcommittee.  She received her PhD in Learning Environments and Educational Studies from the University of Tennessee Knoxville.  Dr. Skutnik's research focuses on engineering outreach as a complex human activity and the development of self-efficacy in K-12 outreach participants and facilitators.

Upcoming seminars are: 

Feb. 12 -Lisa Yamagata-Lynch, University Ombudsperson for the Office of Ombuds Services, University of Tennessee - Conflict in the Workplace