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Yao Zhang

Status in CURENT:

Yao is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in Electrical Engineering, with an anticipated ending date of 1/31/2019.

Biographic Info:

Hometown: Jiangsu

Country: People’s Republic of China

Office Location: 411 Min H. Kao Building

Email: yaozhang_ee@hotmail.com

Faculty Advisor: Yilu Liu

Academic Background:

Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, 2016

M.S in Electrical Engineering, 2013

B.S in Electrical Engineering, 2010

Research Interests:

Power system analysis, Power system operation and planning, Energy forecasting, Machine learning and data mining.


Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang, Bo Zeng, Zechun Hu. “Chance-Constrained Two-Stage Unit Commitment under Uncertain Load and Wind Power Output Using Bilinear Benders Decomposition”. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. to be published.

Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang. “K-nearest Neighbors and Kernel Density Estimator for GEFCom2014 Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting”. International Journal of Forecasting, 32, 1074-1080, 2016.

Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang, Xu Luo. “Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting based on Logarithmic Transformation and Boundary Kernel”. Energy Conversion and Management, 96, 440-451. 2015.

Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang, Xifan Wang. “Review on Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind Power Generation”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 32, 255-270. 2014.

Jianxue Wang, Yao Zhang, Wu Si, Sun Yu. “Influence of Large-scale Ice Disaster on Transmission System Reliability”. Proceedings of the CSEE, 31, 49-56, 2011.

Jianxue Wang, Ruogu Wang, Pingliang Zeng, Shutang You, Yunhao Li, and Yao Zhang. "Flexible Transmission Expansion Planning for Integrating Wind Power Based on Wind Power Distribution Characteristics." Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology, 10, 709-718, 2015.

Yuhan Zhang, Jianxue Wang, Yao Zhang. “A Hybrid Method for Short-Term Electricity Price Forecasting Based on BPNN and GSM-SVM”. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 8, 1509-1519, 2013


Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang, Yunhao Li, Xiaoyu Cao. “Chance-constrained Transmission Expansion Planning with Guaranteed Wind Power Utilization”. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. 2017.

Yao Zhang, Jianxue Wang. “Probabilistic Energy Forecasting based on K-nearest Neighbor and Kernel Density Estimator: an Application in Solar Power Forecasting”. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. 2015.

Hongjing Chen, Jianxue Wang, Yao Zhang. "Economic Dispatch of Hydro-Thermal Power System with Large-Scale Wind Power Penetration". Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2012.