CURENT Seminar: Impact of Wind Active Power Control Strategies on Frequency Response of an Interconnection

Date: November 22, 2013

Time: 12:20 p.m. (ET)

Location: 124 Min H. Kao Building, 1520 Middle Drive, Knoxville, TN

Title: Impact of Wind Active Power Control Strategies on Frequency Response of an Interconnection

Presenter: Vikas Singhvi, Sr. Project Engineer, Power Delivery and Utilization Sector, Electric Power Research Institute

Abstract: High penetrations of variable generation present challenges for reliable operation of the power system. Ensuring adequate primary frequency response is one such concern as the generation mix changes with increasing penetration of variable generation and planned retirements of fossil-fired generation. However, inverter-coupled wind generation is capable of contributing to primary frequency response.

The focus of this work is to assess the impact of active power control strategies of wind generation on the primary frequency response of an interconnection. All simulations were conducted using the General Electric (GE) PSLF® simulation tool. The base case utilized was developed from the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC) 2022 case with light spring load conditions with approximately 15% wind penetration.  The 20, 30 and 40% wind penetration study cases were derived from the base case by strategically replacing thermal units throughout the WECC regions with wind generation.

The results presented in this work are intended to develop a broad understanding of potential impact of changing generation mix and wind generation active power controls on the primary frequency response of an interconnection.  The results are not intended to represent actual performance of the WECC since simplifying assumptions are used to serve the study purpose.

Biography: Vikas Singhvi received his MS degree from the Mississippi State University in 2003.  He joined EPRI in 2010 where he is currently a Sr. Project Engineer in the Power Delivery and Utilization sector.

His current research activities focus on transmission system modeling and simulation, increasing efficiency of transmission and distribution systems, impacts of Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and other distributed resources.

Formerly, he served as a Consultant engineer at Siemens Power Technologies International (PTI). At Siemens, he provided analytical network consulting to client including utilities, independent power producers, merchant developers and research institutions.  He has performed numerous reliability and impact studies for systems falling under SPP, PJM, MISO and NYISO footprints. Mr. Singhvi is member of IEEE Power Engineering Society and Industrial Application Society.