CURENT Power and Energy Industry Seminar – Dr. David Schoenwald

Dr. David Schoenwald from Sandia National Labs will give the CURENT Power and Energy Industry Seminar on Friday, March 1st. This seminar will be available on WebEx (info follows bio below) and is being recorded for future viewing. 

Date: Friday, March 1, 2019

Time: 12:20 pm – 1:10 pm

Where: MHK 124

Presenter: Dr. David Schoenwald, Sandia National Labs

Title: Real-Time Damping of Power Grid Oscillations Using Synchrophasor Feedback

Abstract: This talk will describe the design and implementation of a control system to improve damping of inter-area oscillations in the western North American Power System (wNAPS).  The control design strategy incorporates three novel attributes: (1) The feedback law for the control system is constructed using real-time measurements acquired from phasor measurement units located throughout the power grid. (2) Control actuation is produced by the modulation of real power flow through a high voltage DC transmission line. (3) A supervisory system, integrated into the control system, determines damping effectiveness, maintains failsafe operation, and ensures no harm is done to the grid.  Results from testing of the controller conducted on the wNAPS demonstrated significant improvements in damping.    

Bio: Dr. David Schoenwald is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Labs.  In his current work, he focuses on control system design for small signal stability in power systems, coordinated control design in large-scale power grids using distributed energy resources, and development of performance standards for grid-scale energy storage.  Dr. Schoenwald received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1992.