CURENT Power and Energy Industry Seminar – Dr. Di Shi

Dr. Di Shi, GEIRINA, will give the CURENT Power and Energy Industry Seminar on Friday, April 26th. This seminar may be viewed remotely through WebEx (see info. toward bottom of email). 

CURENT Power and Energy Industry Seminar

Presenter: Dr. Di Shi, Department Head of the PMU & System Analytics Group, GEIRINA

Time: Friday, April 26th, 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM EST

Location: Min H. Kao Building, Room 124 (plus WebEx)

Title: Grid Mind: A Data-driven Autonomous Grid Dispatch and Control Framework Based on PMU Measurements

Abstract: Power systems are facing grand challenges from increasing dynamics and stochastics both from the generation and the demand sides. This has caused great difficulty in designing and implementing effective control for the grid in real time. Tremendous efforts have been spent in the past on computational methods and advanced modeling techniques that provide faster and better situational awareness, based on measurements from advanced grid sensors such a PMU, as an example. However, as grid operators are heavily involved in the decision-making process, the entire procedure has not been made fully automated, limiting the potential of such applications. That is, not only does the ‘grid’ need to perceive faster, it also needs to think and act faster. Towards this end, sub-second autonomous control schemes need to be developed. In the meantime, AI has already started to flourish in many areas, e.g., autonomous driving, image recognition, robotics, etc. There is a strong desire within the power and energy community to learn their success stories. The recent announcement made by US DOE on Sept. 25 of 2018 regarding investment in developing AI based tools for PMU measurements confirms and consolidates this strong desire. Over the past years, the PMU & System Analytics Group at GEIRI North America has built up an autonomous grid dispatch framework and platform using a deep reinforcement learning called the Grid Mind. Combined with GEIRINA Grid Eye, the grid monitoring and situational awareness platform, Grid Mind has demonstrated promise in helping address the pressing issues modern power systems face. This talk will summarize this developmental effort while focusing on the key technologies utilized for the Grid Mind framework. This talk will also discuss the R & D roadmap for the PMU & System Analytics Group along this direction. A demo may be presented if time permits.

Bio: Dr. Di Shi is a Principal Engineer and Department Head of the PMU & System Analytics Group at GEIRI North America (GEIRINA). He also directs the Advanced Power System Laboratory (APSL). He received both his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in EE from Arizona State University (ASU), and a B.S. degree in EE from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU). 

Dr. Shi serves as Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Editor of IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and Vice Chair of the System Stem at Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC). Prior to joining GEIRINA, he held various research positions at NEC Laboratories America (NECLA), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and ASU. He also worked as (part-time) Principal/Senior Consultant for two consulting firms. 

Dr. Shi has authored/co-authored over 100 journal and conference papers. He is the inventor of over 20 US patents/patent applications. Two of the technologies and solutions that he and his team developed have been commercialized into products that help customers solve real-world problems with significant energy savings achieved. He received a Best Paper Award in IEEE PES General Meeting 2017, a Technology Commercialization Award from NECLA in 2014, a number of Outstanding Researcher Awards from GEIRINA and the Grand Prix Award from ABU Robocon 2007.