CURENT Seminar – Low Carbon Integrated Energy Systems:  Challenges and Opportunities

Date:  September 4, 2014

Time:  1:00-2:00pm EST

Location:  121A/B Min H. Kao Building, Knoxville, TN

Title:  Low Carbon Integrated Energy Systems:  Challenges and Opportunities

Presenter:  Dr. Mark O’Malley, Founder and Director of the Electricity Research Centre and Director of the University College Dublin Energy Institute

Abstract:  Globally, there is an undeniable trend towards low carbon integrated energy systems.  These systems have some unique characteristics that will be highlighted in particular with respect to variable renewable energy technologies (e.g. wind and solar photovoltaic).  High penetrations of these variable renewables can be achieved by increasing the levels of integration across the energy system (e.g. heat in the form of demand management in electricity).  The challenges and opportunities of highly integrated energy systems will be explored.

Bio:  Mark O’Malley is the Professor of Electrical Engineering at University College Dublin (UCD), founder and Director of the Electricity Research Centre and Director of the UCD Energy Institute, a multidisciplinary, multi institutional, industry supported research institute, chaired by the Mr. David O’Reilly, former CEO and Chairman of Chevron.  He is recognized as a world authority on Grid Integration of Renewable Energy and has active research collaborations in Europe, China and the United States (US), in particular the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He has received two Fulbright Scholarships (1994 & 1999), is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy.  He is a member of the European Commission’s Energy Advisory Group for Horizon 2020 and the European Academy of Sciences Advisory Council Energy Panel.  He is member of the Editorial Boards of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE Power Engineering Letters and IET Renewable Power Generation.  He is a member of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Task Force on Integrating Variable Generation and was a lead author with responsibility for integration issues in the recent International Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.